Thursday, 30 October 2014


Strange voices, strange voices i heard calling
Unpleasant stories in my ears ringing
Noises that 'he's gone, he's gone'
Who? He that was for greatness born
He has gone into the world for good
Making noise fill the neighbourhood
Friend like no other,
One who will forever be my friend
He who has always been my confidant
Such friendship my heart long hungered for and still wants.

Echoes, timeless echoes of voices of the past
Pictures of gone moments, but how long will they last?
For thats what you left behind - memories
Yesterday feels so much like past centuries
So much a strong bond you've created
Such that can never be outdated
Friends will come, friends will go,
But none will ever be like you - how i loved you so
Now i look back on these years
And all i see dripping on my book are tears.

Undying, undying will the love i have for you be
Numerous years of friendship in future i hope to see
Days of recounting old tales
Will we see if breath never fails
But now that you are here no more,
Every pleasure seems to be a bore
No soothing word seems to stimulate
No word of comfort dost placate
Now all that used to be interesting
Seems to be nothing and never alluring.

News, news only do i hear from you
News i hear seems scary and powerful
That another might take my place
That you'll remember our friendship no more at a gaze
Oh, how i think so naughtily
Blame me not, your absence has made me like a baby
But little did I know about the depth of our togetherness
Which must have led to oneness
Farewell now, farewell friend as you go,
Te quierro y adios mi amigo.

 Babatunde Oluwaseun Owolabi. .
Check out for the first letters of each stanzas. . It spells out S-E-U-N.

Composed By: Ibukun Pelumi Grace

Monday, 6 October 2014

Victory Signs

When you keep on fightin'
After you lost your strength That's the sign of a victory

When darkness is all around you
You still find your way
That's the sign of a victory

When you keep giving without expecting returns
That's the sign of a victory

When you forgive the wrongs
Though,painful and hurtful
That's the sign of a victory

When you share your widow's mite
Especially,with the helpless
That's the sign of a victory

When you doubt your path
Just to be sure you're on the right track
That's the sign of a victory

When you question your origin
Wanting to know about your being,
That's the sign of a victory

When you felt cheated and deprived
But you never know how and why
That's the sign of a victory

When you sing harmoniously within,
Even without a single beat
That's the sign of a victory

When the hinges of doors of opportunity screeches
That's the sign of a victory

When the sun seemingly appealing and warming,
That's the sign of a victory.

When the sky seemingly near
It doesn't matter where you're standing
That's the sign of a victory

When you finally see a Hand in the cloud,
After several quest.
That's the sign of a victory
When you read this and feel inspired
That's the sign of a victory

When you smile without an explicit reasons,
That's the sign of a victory

When you're expectant despite the odds,
That's the sign of a victory

Love , joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance.
That's the sign of a victory

When you're standing with God
That's the sign of a victory.
Till I cross your path again,remember to make a difference....‪#‎Rawfacts‬.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

It's KNOWN to me alone!!!

It's known to me alone
The reason why I smile amidst of pain,
the reason why I cry amidst of joy,
the reason why I talk amidst of silence,
the reason why I keep mute amidst of conversation,
the reason why giggle amidst of trials,
the reason why I chuckle amidst of disappointment,
the reason why i'm wobbling amidst of crowd.

It's known to me ALONE
the reason why I kept my distance when I ought to draw near,
the reason why I don't want to argue when I'm at fault,
the reason why I bow in humility when I'm praised,
the reason why my smile seems odd,
the reason why my tears are dripping uncontrollably,
the reason why my appearance seems scarce,
the reason why my voice sounds faintly,
the reason why my behaviour is bizzare.

It's known to me ALONE the reason why I wrote this,
It's known to me ALONE the only reason I'm yet to tell you the reason,
It's known to me ALONE the reason why I won't give up,never,I won't so far HE is still in Heaven.

Till I cross your path again,remember you're created to make a difference...#Rawfacts.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Be Inspired by Babatunde Oluwaseun Owolabi: It Matters Not!!!

Be Inspired by Babatunde Oluwaseun Owolabi: It Matters Not!!!: I thought it matters sooner I realized it would soon shatter The faster I run, The more I long for it, the more I get burnt. Sometimes it se...

It Matters Not!!!

I thought it matters
sooner I realized it would soon shatter
The faster I run,
The more I long for it,
the more I get burnt.
Sometimes it seems so near
Honestly it was never near

I want them all
Its coming in so small
I want to fill it with my hall
Sadly they are all making me fall
What if I get the heavenly call?
Anytime,Anywhere,even in a mall.

I attached much importance
To a thing of insignificance
And taking to its cognizance
I need not to be in a trance
Before I start to prance.

Teach thou me,yea your will
Please, I'm on my kneel
From my toes to my heel
I want to be smooth like eel

Jesus be the center of it all
Nothing else matters
Nothing else without you
From my heart to the Heaven
Jesus be the center
Let it be all about YOU.

I want Your eyes to be my eyes
Your ears to be my ears
Your passion to be my passion
Your will to be my will
Take my life,mold it...
Take my will,transform it.
To You oh Lord I surrender.
Jesus,lead me,guide me,direct me
Lord be my anchor,
I surrender myself.
I give my life away so you can use me;
Wholly,completely,permanently and purposefully.

This is my confession
This is my proclamation
That You're now my ALL in ALL.
Till I cross your path again,remember you're created to make a difference...#Rawfacts.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

From My Inner Man

Wait,This Is For You Alone...
There are moments I'd think I'm alone;
There are times I was really lonely but not alone.

Circumstances makes things around us different,
Sometimes we don't have enough will power to escape it all.

The best times in life are the times we tend for people passionately,
The worst times are the season we are left to fend for ourselves.

Things would go wrong,it could go worse but remember it won't last long.
It's only but a fleeting moments of trials that comes to test our faith.

I've learnt not to put all hope on humans but first in God;
I've learnt not to trust alone in my power but wholly rely on His dictates.

I'd hate to put blames on people,though, some contributed to my retributions;
Happily I realized they never all meant it for evil but to teach me lessons of life.

Soonest it dawned on me that when people wrong me,
It's not me,it's not them, it's life!

I wish I could daub this words in your heart forever,
I wish I could put it in your mouth without getting sour.

I wish I could hang it on the wall without getting stale
I wish I could tell you in one sentence that I miss you.
I wish I could say and all I'm saying is God still cares for your YOU,friend...#Rawfacts

Saturday, 15 February 2014


If there is anything I cherish and appreciate so well uncompromisingly, its genuine love. To some it’s unconditional love which means loving an individual regardless of his status, differences, background. To some, such love is undiluted which means it stands for truth and reflects truth, sincerity in such love is not a combination of letters that makes up the word-sincerity; but rather an expression of trueness and transparency. To some it’s everlasting love which means it stands the test of time, it’s a kind of love that stands the test of time, it’s a kind of love that stands tall when other things are falling. When business, jobs are falling, it maintains its stance. To some such love is unquenchable love which means when the water or breeze of temptation, disappointment, mistakes and challenges blows its fire, it is unquenchable. It stands out in darkness of distrust, it speaks when other love are at its lowest ebb, it burns when other love lack oil for burning, beyond all, it illuminates confidence and encouragement when there’s lethargy.
                To simply put, true love is true love! It may bear any names but it has the same characteristics and features. If not, it’s not true love but counterfeit. I’ve read some stories that about St Valentine’s Day but there’s a common thing amongst it all and that is his ability to be compassionate towards people especially the Jailer’s daughter despite his predicament. (Oh! Did I tell you who was Valentine? From what I researched, He was a man that was martyred because of his belief many years ago).
                Basically, here’s my belief about St Valentine’s Day Celebration- It’s a day you show extra love, care and go beyond the normal status quo of showing kindness, appreciation and genuine love. It’s a day to love the unloved, to care for the uncared, and to reach the unreached. To the married, care more and love more. To the singles, show more love to people around you not as a sacrifice but as a means of glorifying God and not the devil. Single is not a status, it’s just a word that depicts one’s ability to cope and have a sense of worth without dependability. Being engaged is neither bad, it’s also a word that depicts how strong nor unselfish you’re to share your emotions, sentiment with others.
                St Valentine left a legacy of true kindness and genuine expression of love through his actions and that was why he’s been celebrated. Whatever you’ll do today, let it represent God on earth and a real sense of human worth-your worth chiefly. Live a life to remember today for good, not the opposite. As many may say today is lover’s day, you may be right but true love is not celebrated once in a year alone. True love is true love, not until traded for sex. Let God look down from Heaven and profess ‘’ this is my child in whom I’m very pleased. Wise up so that you don’t close up your destiny……Rawfacts.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

What’s on your mind?

After I offered a brief prayer unto God for granting me a stress-free day at work. I didn’t intend to grab a plate of meal else I short-changed myself of dinner (Yes! I’d planned no to eat more than enough food when I’m necessarily not hungry). With eagerness I checked my to-do-list for the day and was happy to discover I had only two chores waiting for my attention before I unwind myself. Purposefully, I skipped my pending two chores to my last to-do-list which was ‘’Relaxation’’ (Oh! Don’t judge me to be indiscipline about my tasks, sometimes I like being spontaneous than naïve). I grabbed my phone that has been on silent because I was planning to continue my scheduled chores and to avoid some distractions. With a smile on my face as if I just won a scholarship to study in the number one then University in the world ‘’Harvard University’’ now on number  4. My thumb was on my middle button to navigate me to menu browser. I typed in the address ‘’’’.
Automatically, I found myself on Facebook webpage. With immediate alacrity, I was happy I’ve got some notifications, messages and few friend requests from known and unknown folks. Here, something got my attention like never before; there was a typeface box with some in scripted words above it that reads “What’s on your mind”.  Every Facebook users have it on their webpage too. I do not plan to update my status that very day. Suddenly I was inspired to share something on my wall. After sharing a few words, the typeface box was blank again and asked the same question “What’s on your mind’’.  I thought within me, what is on my mind again? I’ve just shared what is on my mind with my friends some minutes ago (I muttered). Now I realized if I keep sharing words, it won’t get tired of asking me “What’s on your mind” after each words has been shared and updated. Oh my God! What was Mr Mark Zuckerberg thinking (The founder of Facebook) to have come up with such initiative as this. Asking me what’s on my mind after every second of sharing my thought of in the typeface box.
                My intuition now tells me “Man’s mind was never created to be blank! There must be something worth sharing, though, not necessarily on Facebook alone but every moment of our lives. The question now is ‘’what is on your mind? God never created it to be blank. It was created to be factory of thoughts and engine of actions. It was created to be wheel of success to drive with and the acceleration of achieving speedy goals. What is on your mind about the future you’re aspiring?  What is on your mind about the lady you’re planning to both say on the altar-I do. What is on your mind about your life?
                From my desk here, ensure you have the best in your mind; never leave it blank, it’s meant to be filled with virtues before it filled itself with negativity. If not intelligently cultivated, unwanted weeds (thoughts) would grow on it. It’s meant to be working not without rest but productively and of course, with much rest. Beloved, permit me to ask the same question Facebook never stops asking “What’s on your mind for the year 2014” …. #Rawfacts

Friday, 10 January 2014


December 31, 2013 at 7:02am
Willing vs Wishing
Willing is supported by action;
Wishing is backed with reactions
Willing is based on calculations;
Wishing is based on speculations
Willing is less talk,more actions
Wishing is more talks,less actions
Willing is showing readiness to get your desire;
Wishing is an expression of desire
Willing is proactive;
Wishing is reactive.
Willing is reading this and taking actions;
Wishing is reading this without taking actions
Willing avoids procrastination;
Wishing embraces procrastination
Willing is asking to know more;
Wishing is talking to know less
Willing is using will power
Wishing is using choice power
Willing is willing;
Wishing is wishing

Today,I discovered that most of the things I was able to achieve successfully with the help of God is because I was WILLING to.

Conversely,those I couldn't was because I was only WISHING by helping my laziness.

Inherently,let us be more WILLING to do more in 2014 than WISHING to do more.
Compliment of the season;Happy New Year In Advance...#Rawfacts.