Monday, 1 October 2012

Our Nation,My Country.

Our Nation,My Nation. NIGERIA

Population: About 120 million
Ethnic Groups: More than 250, 4000 dialects
Size: 577,355 sq miles; that is two and a half times the size of California.
Number of States: 36 plus Abuja, the Federal Capital territory
Major Ethnic Groups: Yoruba, Hausa, Fulani, Ibo, Igala, Kanuri, Tiv, Ibiobio, Ijaw, Edo, Efik, Urhobo, Edoma, Itsekiri.

The Coat of Arms of Nigeria
The coat of arms is represented by a shield, two wavy bands, two horses, an eagle and some plants at the foot of the shield.
The shield which is black stands for the rich and fertile earth the country is endowed with.
The wavy bands represent the river Niger and the river Benue which flow through Nigeria.
The two white horses represent dignity and pride.
A common wild flower (Coctus spectablis) in Nigeria covers the ground on which the symbols stand and it stands for the beauty of Nigeria.
The motto of Nigeria "Unity and Faith" is written on the Coat of Arms.
The wreath is in the national colours (Green and White) and the eagle represents strength.
The Nigerian National Anthem
Arise O' Compatriots, Nigeria's call obey
To serve our fatherland
With love and strength and faith
The labours of our heroes past
Shall never be in vain
To serve with heart and might

One nation bound in freedom, peace and unity
O God of Creation, direct our noble cause,
Guide (thou) our leaders right,
Help our youth the truth to know
In love and honesty to grow
And living just and true
Great lofty heights attain
To build a nation where peace and justice shall reign


The Nigerian Pledge
I pledge to Nigeria my country
To be faithful loyal an honest
To serve Nigeria with all my strength
To defend her unity
And uphold her honour and glory
So help me God

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