Thursday, 13 February 2014

What’s on your mind?

After I offered a brief prayer unto God for granting me a stress-free day at work. I didn’t intend to grab a plate of meal else I short-changed myself of dinner (Yes! I’d planned no to eat more than enough food when I’m necessarily not hungry). With eagerness I checked my to-do-list for the day and was happy to discover I had only two chores waiting for my attention before I unwind myself. Purposefully, I skipped my pending two chores to my last to-do-list which was ‘’Relaxation’’ (Oh! Don’t judge me to be indiscipline about my tasks, sometimes I like being spontaneous than naïve). I grabbed my phone that has been on silent because I was planning to continue my scheduled chores and to avoid some distractions. With a smile on my face as if I just won a scholarship to study in the number one then University in the world ‘’Harvard University’’ now on number  4. My thumb was on my middle button to navigate me to menu browser. I typed in the address ‘’’’.
Automatically, I found myself on Facebook webpage. With immediate alacrity, I was happy I’ve got some notifications, messages and few friend requests from known and unknown folks. Here, something got my attention like never before; there was a typeface box with some in scripted words above it that reads “What’s on your mind”.  Every Facebook users have it on their webpage too. I do not plan to update my status that very day. Suddenly I was inspired to share something on my wall. After sharing a few words, the typeface box was blank again and asked the same question “What’s on your mind’’.  I thought within me, what is on my mind again? I’ve just shared what is on my mind with my friends some minutes ago (I muttered). Now I realized if I keep sharing words, it won’t get tired of asking me “What’s on your mind” after each words has been shared and updated. Oh my God! What was Mr Mark Zuckerberg thinking (The founder of Facebook) to have come up with such initiative as this. Asking me what’s on my mind after every second of sharing my thought of in the typeface box.
                My intuition now tells me “Man’s mind was never created to be blank! There must be something worth sharing, though, not necessarily on Facebook alone but every moment of our lives. The question now is ‘’what is on your mind? God never created it to be blank. It was created to be factory of thoughts and engine of actions. It was created to be wheel of success to drive with and the acceleration of achieving speedy goals. What is on your mind about the future you’re aspiring?  What is on your mind about the lady you’re planning to both say on the altar-I do. What is on your mind about your life?
                From my desk here, ensure you have the best in your mind; never leave it blank, it’s meant to be filled with virtues before it filled itself with negativity. If not intelligently cultivated, unwanted weeds (thoughts) would grow on it. It’s meant to be working not without rest but productively and of course, with much rest. Beloved, permit me to ask the same question Facebook never stops asking “What’s on your mind for the year 2014” …. #Rawfacts

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