Saturday, 15 February 2014


If there is anything I cherish and appreciate so well uncompromisingly, its genuine love. To some it’s unconditional love which means loving an individual regardless of his status, differences, background. To some, such love is undiluted which means it stands for truth and reflects truth, sincerity in such love is not a combination of letters that makes up the word-sincerity; but rather an expression of trueness and transparency. To some it’s everlasting love which means it stands the test of time, it’s a kind of love that stands the test of time, it’s a kind of love that stands tall when other things are falling. When business, jobs are falling, it maintains its stance. To some such love is unquenchable love which means when the water or breeze of temptation, disappointment, mistakes and challenges blows its fire, it is unquenchable. It stands out in darkness of distrust, it speaks when other love are at its lowest ebb, it burns when other love lack oil for burning, beyond all, it illuminates confidence and encouragement when there’s lethargy.
                To simply put, true love is true love! It may bear any names but it has the same characteristics and features. If not, it’s not true love but counterfeit. I’ve read some stories that about St Valentine’s Day but there’s a common thing amongst it all and that is his ability to be compassionate towards people especially the Jailer’s daughter despite his predicament. (Oh! Did I tell you who was Valentine? From what I researched, He was a man that was martyred because of his belief many years ago).
                Basically, here’s my belief about St Valentine’s Day Celebration- It’s a day you show extra love, care and go beyond the normal status quo of showing kindness, appreciation and genuine love. It’s a day to love the unloved, to care for the uncared, and to reach the unreached. To the married, care more and love more. To the singles, show more love to people around you not as a sacrifice but as a means of glorifying God and not the devil. Single is not a status, it’s just a word that depicts one’s ability to cope and have a sense of worth without dependability. Being engaged is neither bad, it’s also a word that depicts how strong nor unselfish you’re to share your emotions, sentiment with others.
                St Valentine left a legacy of true kindness and genuine expression of love through his actions and that was why he’s been celebrated. Whatever you’ll do today, let it represent God on earth and a real sense of human worth-your worth chiefly. Live a life to remember today for good, not the opposite. As many may say today is lover’s day, you may be right but true love is not celebrated once in a year alone. True love is true love, not until traded for sex. Let God look down from Heaven and profess ‘’ this is my child in whom I’m very pleased. Wise up so that you don’t close up your destiny……Rawfacts.

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