Thursday, 30 October 2014


Strange voices, strange voices i heard calling
Unpleasant stories in my ears ringing
Noises that 'he's gone, he's gone'
Who? He that was for greatness born
He has gone into the world for good
Making noise fill the neighbourhood
Friend like no other,
One who will forever be my friend
He who has always been my confidant
Such friendship my heart long hungered for and still wants.

Echoes, timeless echoes of voices of the past
Pictures of gone moments, but how long will they last?
For thats what you left behind - memories
Yesterday feels so much like past centuries
So much a strong bond you've created
Such that can never be outdated
Friends will come, friends will go,
But none will ever be like you - how i loved you so
Now i look back on these years
And all i see dripping on my book are tears.

Undying, undying will the love i have for you be
Numerous years of friendship in future i hope to see
Days of recounting old tales
Will we see if breath never fails
But now that you are here no more,
Every pleasure seems to be a bore
No soothing word seems to stimulate
No word of comfort dost placate
Now all that used to be interesting
Seems to be nothing and never alluring.

News, news only do i hear from you
News i hear seems scary and powerful
That another might take my place
That you'll remember our friendship no more at a gaze
Oh, how i think so naughtily
Blame me not, your absence has made me like a baby
But little did I know about the depth of our togetherness
Which must have led to oneness
Farewell now, farewell friend as you go,
Te quierro y adios mi amigo.

 Babatunde Oluwaseun Owolabi. .
Check out for the first letters of each stanzas. . It spells out S-E-U-N.

Composed By: Ibukun Pelumi Grace

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