Thursday, 26 January 2012


In my little lessons i have learnt why i'm still on Earth,i have been able to discover that when things goes wrong at times its not because we're not perfect at it and not only because we don't know how to do it but its only because God wants to show us another way of doing it better.
Remember the story of Abraham when God asked him to leave his father's house and go to the Land HE showed him,you and i knows its not easy for us to leave our comfort zone to a new place.why you're still complaining about what you have done wrong in your life,the best is to turn a new page but don't tear out the former page of your life rather learn from the mistakes you made there and avoid it in your new page.
Don't forget that everyone has its own experience about Life in one way or the other.
Did you said you won't serve God anymore because HE's yet to answer your prayers,who will loose,you or God?
Is your past experience making you to loose hope?,what if i tell you mine or you hear other people's experience?
Here is the meaning of "NEWS"
N- No
E- Experience
W- Without
S- Sufferness.
Complains complicate issues,Turn a new page now and avoid repetition of mistakes because God can't lie-NUM 23V19 and His plans are good for you-JER 29V11.
Rise on your feet,pray and Turn a new page of Success,Promotion,Greatness because God has given you Dominion over all HIS Handworks and have put all things under your Feet...Cheers!

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