Tuesday, 24 January 2012



    Do you wonder why you're being created or going through your present adversities? If yes or no,let me give you some facts about seasons.
    Sometimes God allows sickness for us to take care of ourselves,sometimes God allows sorrow  so we can know the value of Joy and sometimes God allows Death for us to know HE alone owns our Life because no evil befall a city without God knowing it -Amos 3v6.So Don't be tired of your present situation.Now let me give you this good news  about you yourself,Whatever you're facing now are just a step stone to your next level you're aiming for,whatever you can't handle will never comes your way and always know that to everything that happen to you on earth today or in your life,there is a reason for your season-Eccl 3v1-3.Your state of mind is what matter most and what you set your target on because you and i knows that as Good is the opposite of Bad,so also Life is the opposite of Death...
     Whatever situation you're now,God will intervene and don't be tired because "Though Time don't last only Though people do last"....cont'd  next time i cross your way....till i cross your path again,i remain babatunde oluwaseun owolabi a.k.a " Corner Stone".....you're great! Cheers!!!

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