Monday, 30 January 2012

  DO YOU LOVE GOD OR FEAR HIM?-Deut 10v20-21
       After studying many people around me  for a while with their abilities and experiences,i discovered that the Best man on the Earth is  not  the one with Handsome face or enough properties but the one with God's kind of Love and Fear God.
   Cain and Abel were children of same parents but with different attitude entirely.Cain Love God so much that he could offered God sacrifices but he doesn't fear God,unlike his brother who love and fear God.If Cain really fear God then he wouldn't have Killed his blood brother.
   To Love God is not by worshiping Him alone or offering sacrifices but by showing Love to other people around you too.Apostle Paul says in 1st Corin 13vs1-13( He says" I may be able to speak the languages of human beings and even of the Angels but if i have no Love,my speech is no more than a noisy gong or a clanging bell,I may have all the gifts of inspired preaching:I may have all knowledge and understand all secrets:I may have all Faiths needed to move mountains-but if i have no Love,I an nothing....etc)
    When you Love God,you'll love people around you because God is love-1st John 4v8.
         And to fear God is to keep all His commandments and walk in His ways because the fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom-Prov 1v7.
    Some of the things we struggle for in Life is already at our door step but because if its comes in we might lost reference for God.Change from your unkindness,Love God,show Love to people around you and fear Him.Everything will come easily to you and remember " Your Charismatic may take you there but your Character will bring you out form there".As you Love God and show love to other people around with fear of God,Dominion is certain for you this year.
    And Until we understand who God is and develop a reverential fear of Him, we cannot have true wisdom. True wisdom comes only from understanding who God is and that He is holy, just, and righteous. Deuteronomy 10:12, 20-21...Cheers!!!
  DO YOU LOVE GOD OF FEAR HIM?-Deut 10v20-21
       After studying many people around me  for a while with their abilities and experiences,i discovered that the Best man on the Earth is  not  the one with Handsome face or enough properties but the one with God's kind of Love and Fear God.
   Cain and Abel were children of same parents but with different attitude entirely.Cain Love God so much that he could offered God sacrifices but he doesn't fear God,unlike his brother who love and fear God.If Cain really fear God then he wouldn't have Killed his blood brother.
   To Love God is not by worshiping Him alone or offering sacrifices but by showing Love to other people around you too.Apostle Paul says in 1st Corin 13vs1-13( He says" I may be able to speak the languages of human beings and even of the Angels but if i have no Love,my speech is no more than a noisy gong or a clanging bell,I may have all the gifts of inspired preaching:I may have all knowledge and understand all secrets:I may have all Faiths needed to move mountains-but if i have no Love,I an nothing....etc)
    When you Love God,you'll love people around you because God is love-1st John 4v8.
         And to fear God is to keep all His commandments and walk in His ways because the fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom-Prov 1v7.
    Some of the things we struggle for in Life is already at our door step but because if its comes in we might lost reference for God.Change from your unkindness,Love God,show Love to people around you and fear Him.Everything will come easily to you and remember " Your Charismatic may take you there but your Character will bring you out form there".As you Love God and show love to other people around with fear of God,Dominion is certain for you this year.
    And Until we understand who God is and develop a reverential fear of Him, we cannot have true wisdom. True wisdom comes only from understanding who God is and that He is holy, just, and righteous. Deuteronomy 10:12, 20-21...Cheers!!!

Thursday, 26 January 2012


In my little lessons i have learnt why i'm still on Earth,i have been able to discover that when things goes wrong at times its not because we're not perfect at it and not only because we don't know how to do it but its only because God wants to show us another way of doing it better.
Remember the story of Abraham when God asked him to leave his father's house and go to the Land HE showed him,you and i knows its not easy for us to leave our comfort zone to a new place.why you're still complaining about what you have done wrong in your life,the best is to turn a new page but don't tear out the former page of your life rather learn from the mistakes you made there and avoid it in your new page.
Don't forget that everyone has its own experience about Life in one way or the other.
Did you said you won't serve God anymore because HE's yet to answer your prayers,who will loose,you or God?
Is your past experience making you to loose hope?,what if i tell you mine or you hear other people's experience?
Here is the meaning of "NEWS"
N- No
E- Experience
W- Without
S- Sufferness.
Complains complicate issues,Turn a new page now and avoid repetition of mistakes because God can't lie-NUM 23V19 and His plans are good for you-JER 29V11.
Rise on your feet,pray and Turn a new page of Success,Promotion,Greatness because God has given you Dominion over all HIS Handworks and have put all things under your Feet...Cheers!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012


We Hustle,Struggle and sometimes face Trouble,why? All because of acquiring Wealth.
But not quite Long i discovered that:
A Leader is not complete without a Follower,if there are no Lies,Truth is not complete,a Giver is not complete without Beggars,without the Poors,Riches is not complete,without a Drummer there is no Dancer,without a Listener there is no Singer,without the Sun,a Day is not complete and Life is not complete without Death...While we still Leave on Earth,some people Doubt there path to success and some are on the right path but its seems to Long to them...Enjoy where you're on the way to where you're going because everything has its Good & Bad..LORD HELP ME TO HAVE DOMINION OVER ALL YOUR HANDSWORK THIS YEAR AND YOU READING THIS MESSAGE....YOU'RE GREAT!

Tuesday, 24 January 2012



    Do you wonder why you're being created or going through your present adversities? If yes or no,let me give you some facts about seasons.
    Sometimes God allows sickness for us to take care of ourselves,sometimes God allows sorrow  so we can know the value of Joy and sometimes God allows Death for us to know HE alone owns our Life because no evil befall a city without God knowing it -Amos 3v6.So Don't be tired of your present situation.Now let me give you this good news  about you yourself,Whatever you're facing now are just a step stone to your next level you're aiming for,whatever you can't handle will never comes your way and always know that to everything that happen to you on earth today or in your life,there is a reason for your season-Eccl 3v1-3.Your state of mind is what matter most and what you set your target on because you and i knows that as Good is the opposite of Bad,so also Life is the opposite of Death...
     Whatever situation you're now,God will intervene and don't be tired because "Though Time don't last only Though people do last"....cont'd  next time i cross your way....till i cross your path again,i remain babatunde oluwaseun owolabi a.k.a " Corner Stone"'re great! Cheers!!!

Some people celebrates their days with joy or sorrow, happiness or sadness,promotion or examination,temptation or divine visitation.any of the above is certain for human being on earth during his or her you make your day count today,GOODNESS,FAVOR,JOY,SUCCESS,LIFTING,BLESSING,PROMOTION,CONNECTION will never seize in your life,may you days be filled with Joy and success....Cheers!!!,

Monday, 23 January 2012

Prayer Time!!!

God is Good....
"Listen to what the Lord says,you that fear him and obey him,Because you're faithful to me,some of your own people hate you and will have nothing to do with you.They mock you and say, Let the Lord show his greatness and save you so that we may see you rejoice.But they themselves will be disgraced".....Isaiah 66v5. ...AMEN.

About me.

...I pray God should give me d GRACE to win d RACE in life...A M E N !!!

Cool,gentle and hilarious.aiming high everyday.
Dating is like a test drive, you keep trying until you find the right one."...There is no need of contacting an Herbalist,Alfa,Priest or Pastor to know the True Love..TRUE LOVE from my own perception is:Its lies in the Heart,shows in the eyes,Reflects in an Attitude and Behavior is the extension of true love...