Friday 24 July 2015


In my previous article (You can read up here The Metro-Potters, or Rawfacts Notes)
 I emphasized on the following:
“Whatever you see standing has a foundation, and whatever can no longer stand has an altered Foundation.”
In this article, as I promised in the previous one, I will be analyzing the recipes or branches of Emotional intelligence.
I mentioned that Emotional Intelligence is the ability to monitor one’s own and other people’s emotions and to discriminate between different emotions among peers and your environment successfully.
I listed the following as the branches of Emotional Intelligence.
1-Intrapersonal, 2-Interpersonal, 3-Adaptability 4-Stress Management 5-General Mood.
1-Intrapersonal EQ: The word Intrapersonal means: ‘taking place or existing within the mind’
Merriam-Webster puts it this way; it says Intrapersonal means ‘occurring within the individual mind or self.’
You’ll agree with me that before any success is birthed, it must first be conceived in the mind. Any successful outcome or goal, and aspiration are first conceived in the mind, not on the field.
Note this, “A sharp mind would always produce result, anytime and any day.”
For success to be a reality, it must be first imagined and conceived within. ‘Read Microfacts Media’s Article titled- ‘Imagination, your Greatest Machination’ here for broader details on how the mind works in conceiving.
Very powerful, you’ll have a full grasp.
The next one:
2- Interpersonal EQ:
Advanced English Dictionary and Thesaurus defines it as ‘something occurring among or involving several people. i.e. between two or more people or entities. As in interaction.
Notice this carefully, “Success is not about you alone! You need people!”
You need friends, people of like passions; you also need your enemies as well because they’ll help you remain resilient towards your goals.
Have you ever heard of this maxim? “No one survives alone on the island” The fish, water, bush, animals will all contribute to your successful habitation on the island. Stop acting as if you can get it done all alone, that’s not an emotionally wise thing to do. You need others as well.
In the lifting of other people’s hands your hand is equally lifted.
The next one
3- Adaptability EQ: The ability to change or be changed to fit a changed circumstances.
Your ability to change and quickly adapt to situations while holding on to your aspiration guarantees you success.
Let’s use a Duck and a Hen for example. Duck can survive on the land and also in the sea. Hen on the other hand can survive on the land but would die in the sea. Both are birds, but with different Adaptability skills.
When your circumstances change, will you still stick to your goals or aspiration?
If that friend fails you, will you still succeed? How fast can you adapt with or without external supports?
These are the recipes that make up Emotional Intelligence which is the Foundation of Success.
Apply them if you still desire success and you’ll eventually see the reality or manifestation of your goals and aspiration.
In my next article, I shall complete the rest of the recipes.
But remember that for everything standing, a foundation is supporting it
For you to be successful, you must lay a good foundation.
I’m Rawfacts. I Write, I Act, I Speak, I Learn, And I Make a difference.

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