Wednesday, 26 March 2014

From My Inner Man

Wait,This Is For You Alone...
There are moments I'd think I'm alone;
There are times I was really lonely but not alone.

Circumstances makes things around us different,
Sometimes we don't have enough will power to escape it all.

The best times in life are the times we tend for people passionately,
The worst times are the season we are left to fend for ourselves.

Things would go wrong,it could go worse but remember it won't last long.
It's only but a fleeting moments of trials that comes to test our faith.

I've learnt not to put all hope on humans but first in God;
I've learnt not to trust alone in my power but wholly rely on His dictates.

I'd hate to put blames on people,though, some contributed to my retributions;
Happily I realized they never all meant it for evil but to teach me lessons of life.

Soonest it dawned on me that when people wrong me,
It's not me,it's not them, it's life!

I wish I could daub this words in your heart forever,
I wish I could put it in your mouth without getting sour.

I wish I could hang it on the wall without getting stale
I wish I could tell you in one sentence that I miss you.
I wish I could say and all I'm saying is God still cares for your YOU,friend...#Rawfacts