Tuesday, 21 February 2012


ARE YOU EXCITED OR AFFECTED-1st Samuel 19v18-20.
Its not everyone that is smiling shows they’re happy, not everyone that is crying
Shows they are sad, not everyone that is dancing shows they no how to dance, it
Could either be that they know the song or the singer of the song and not everyone
that doesn’t give shows they’re stingy and not all that gives shows they are giver.
Some gives to entice and some gives to support. When we do natural things or act
Unexpectedly, its has two reason for such action.Its either we’re excited or affected with what is happening around us.Nevertheless don’t forget the promise of God on your Life - Jer 29vs 11’’ ‘that He has a good
plan for you and before you were born He knew you . So, all you need to do is
whatever situation it is, be thankful and pray – phi 4v6.Because Tough Time don't Last but tough people...You're Great!!!

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