Tuesday, 21 February 2012


ARE YOU EXCITED OR AFFECTED-1st Samuel 19v18-20.
Its not everyone that is smiling shows they’re happy, not everyone that is crying
Shows they are sad, not everyone that is dancing shows they no how to dance, it
Could either be that they know the song or the singer of the song and not everyone
that doesn’t give shows they’re stingy and not all that gives shows they are giver.
Some gives to entice and some gives to support. When we do natural things or act
Unexpectedly, its has two reason for such action.Its either we’re excited or affected with what is happening around us.Nevertheless don’t forget the promise of God on your Life - Jer 29vs 11’’ ‘that He has a good
plan for you and before you were born He knew you . So, all you need to do is
whatever situation it is, be thankful and pray – phi 4v6.Because Tough Time don't Last but tough people...You're Great!!!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012


    This is a story of a man called ''Judah'' He was wealthy and God really
blessed him. to cut the long story short, he was supposed to give out his son to
Tamar (the wife of his son before his son tied).He promised to give him another
son to marry her but failed.
    One day he was on a long Journey and met a prostitute on the road, he stopped
over, had enjoyment but with a promise that tied it. He gave his stick and cord
to her as what he promised before having sex with her-Gen 38vs18-20. The woman he
had intercourse with was his daughter-in-law he failed to give his son to marry
as obligation to her as her husband's brother.he later found out but its was
too late rectify his mischievous act.
    Today is really a great  day to enjoys ourselves  but i have a question for you be
before you begin the enjoyment or probably enjoying yourself right now.The
enjoyment you wish to have today, will be of good memory or bad memory in your
life.Its was this kind of enjoyment Judah had, he lost some of his great
property. Because of sex will you loose your great destiny too? Because today's
Euphoria, will you loose your dignity and pride, because of a day
called ''VALENTINE''. Will you loose your God's will and plan in your life.
     Valentine is not a day to have intercourse with lover alone, its a day to
forgive others of their wrong deeds towards you, a day to be kind, a day to share
to the needy and poor, a day to show love to enemies and friends including your
lover. Without kindness, forgiveness and love valentine celebration is not
complete.That money  you plan to spend on that girl that will only remember
you for today, why don't you spend that money on that fellow human being that will
remember you all the days of his/her Life journey because of your kindness.Show
your love by giving to poor and showing kindness to one another and you'll
surely make today memorable for someone.I love you is not complete without the
above attitude.
    As you do so,I see God taking from Grass to Grace,from scarcity to Surplus,from Penury to plenty and Relegation to Promotions. And make you have Dominion over all His Handwork.You're Great.........Cheers!!!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


Sometimes in this life the most trusted becomes the most unfaithful, the most
hated becomes the most loveth, the best friend becomes the worst friend, the most anointed becomes the most disappointed the most giver becomes the most
receiver and the most receiver becomes the most giver, the most loyal becomes
the most lair, the most powerful becomes the most powerless, the most fearful
becomes the most fearless, the most reliable becomes the most unfavourable
and the right source becomes bad source only God can Judge,Judge no one by
Yourself ….. Matt 71 but do as you want people to do for your matt 712 .Becuase It’s the way we treat each day that will make it counts.Be Happy today and you remember it forever or be Sad the experience might not be forgotten…Your TEMPTATION is for your PROMOTION.

Monday, 6 February 2012


      We are all God's creature but the only thing that makes us different from one another is;the source of my potential is different from yours,though we may get it from same Creator which is "GOD"-1st Corin 12v11 But what we get and how we use what we get is what makes a difference.No matter how small or big you're,God gave you what will makes you Stand-out from your companion-1st Corin 12v4-6.And this is to tell you that greater is in you than who is in the World-1st John 4v4.My gift is different from yours and vice-versa.the reason why you struggles so much and earn little is because you're yet to discover it.
     Here are some steps to discover your Divine Gift.
(1) SEEK FROM GOD-James 1V5,Isa 65v1-2.
       God is always there to help you out but its up to you to ask from Him.The more you keep SILENT about your destiny,the more VIOLENT you brings upon yourself.Seek from God now and He is ever ready to answer you.Call Him now while He is near-Isa 55v6.
-Eccl 9V10
       Whatever you discovered,work towards it.Though the starting point might be small or rough but better is the end of a thing than the beginning-Eccl 7v8.Work on it now becuase we all have limited
time on earth.
       An adage says show me your friends and i'll tell  you who is he.Those you follow will determine  where you'll be in life.Find the right source of companion in your field.Your RESOURCES is traceable to your SOURCE.
         If you believe you can do it-you're right and if believe you can't do it-you're also right too.Nevertheless God gave you everything needed to face any challenges because no matter the challenges that comes your ways,you're more than a conqueror-Rom 8v31,if you have faith.Believe in yourself and surely you'll make it.
    In this year,as you search for your Divine Gift,work towards it,Dominion is certain for you.May Almighty God grants you the GRACE to win the RACE of life in Jesus Name...Cheers!!!

Sunday, 5 February 2012


1. God Loves You!
The Bible says, "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life"-JOHN 3V16

The problem is that

2. All of us have done, said or thought things that are wrong. This is called sin, and our sins have separated us from God.
The Bible says "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.ROM 3V23" God is perfect and holy, and our sins separate us from God forever. The Bible says "The wages of sin is death."
The good news is that, about 2,000 years ago,

3. God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins.
Jesus is the Son of God. He lived a sinless life and then died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. "God demonstrates His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us."

Jesus rose from the dead and now He lives in heaven with God His Father. He offers us the gift of eternal life -- of living forever with Him in heaven if we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me."

God reaches out in love to you and wants you to be His child. "As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe on His name." You can choose to ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and come in to your life as your Lord and Savior.

4. If you want to accept Christ as Savior and turn from your sins, you can ask Him to be your Savior and Lord by praying a prayer like this:

"Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. I ask you in to my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior. I want to serve you always."

Did you pray this prayer?


Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Babatunde Oluwaseun Owolabi: GOOD MORNING POEM!!!

Babatunde Oluwaseun Owolabi: GOOD MORNING POEM!!!: In life we have limited space, But by God's grace, We're able to see another day, called today. With fresh air from above, Which is rare lik...


In life we have limited space,
But by God's grace,
We're able to see another day,
called today.
With fresh air from above,
Which is rare like a dove.
From depth of my Heart,
without doubt,
God is good.
Not because i'm in the mood.
Thank you God,
I pray you have more money,
And a morning sweet as Honey.