Tuesday, 18 August 2015


Imagination! The formation of mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the sense (1).

Call it creativity, you’re right. Term it creative thinking you’re still on point.
But let me ask you this, “How far do you think power of imagination can go''?
Can it be limited, can imagination be impeded, hindered, stopped?
The answer is yes and no.
Imagination can be stopped, impeded. It all depends on you.
Imagination can’t be stopped, impeded. Still depending on how far you choose or decide to go.
The power of imagination lies within you!
Your daily activities are first imagined within you.
Your daily outputs are the results of what you’ve imagined.
How you wield your Imagination will determine your results.
See yourself as a seamstress, if you right weave your imagination, you’ll get the best and a befitting result. If you do otherwise, you get otherwise.
See yourself as a miner, if you diligently mine your imaginative realm, the best treasures shall be discovered.
If you tenaciously run your imaginative power, you’ll be crowned with successful feat.
See yourself as a blacksmith, if you skillfully apply and engage your power of imagination, you’ll get the best tools for the shaping of the society positively.
See yourself as an athlete, if you harness all your energy and wield your imaginative power, you’ll undoubtedly become a winner.
How you wield your creative power is how far you’ll go.
If you wield your imaginative power like that of a miner, your results will be golden.
If you wield your imaginative power like that of a focused athlete, your output will be a glorious feat.
If you wield your imaginative power like that of an inventor, your products will be transformational.
Gold is scarce, it has to be mined.
Golden ideas are scarce; they have to be imagined creatively.
Diamond is strong, it has to be discovered.
Diamond-like Ideas are rare, they are discovered.
Castles are elegant and tall, they’re built on standard foundations. If you want your output to be elegant and tall, you must be ready to build it upon a strong and standard imaginative power.
Peacocks are beautiful, that’s how they’re created. If you want a beautiful output/result, wield your imaginative power beautifully.
If you want an extra ordinary output, wield your imaginative power by adding ‘extra’ to your ordinary.
It’s up to you! The power lies in your hands. Your results so far are traceable to the power of your imagination.
Ruminate on this as the last nuggets on this article.

“Imaginations are real, they’re not fantasies. They only perish in the realm of fantasy if left in the state of dormancy.” 

Till I cross your path again remember you're created to make a difference.