Thursday, 18 June 2015

Just A Touch!

Just a touch!
When the music goes off,
While the doors are shut off.
Seeming lonely,
Without your one and only.
Looking very far,
And thinking your love is afar.
Don't ignore the crush;
All you need is just a touch.

Moving pathetically around, 
Though, the feelings are profound. 
Fighting it daily with many thoughts; 
Feeling it like the pain of droughts, 
Doubting less; And also feeling hopeless. 
Worry less; 
keep the crush 
All you need is just a touch.

Love comes in many ways, 
But, it has its own unique ways. 
Many seeks for its touch 
Only few get the truest crush 
We all wished to have a partner 
The one that has a good manner 
But the truth remains the same; 
We all enjoy this love game

Even silvers now glitters, 
So be careful while you filters. 
Mummy says-choose the best, 
I replied-That's my crest. 
Daddy reprimands-you're not serious, 
I thought-this man is furious. 
Friends advised-use your brain! 
Of course, I'm still sane.

I have someone on my mind;
She's been so kind. 
It could be you, 
Hmm-that's just a clue! 
But this is a fork in the road; 
That's why I must not jump like a toad. 
To be candor, my heart craves for just a touch, 
One that will sensitize my crush. 

I look forward to your touch, 
Sure, I won't rush.
I know that one day, 
It could even be today.
That my dream will come true,
Beside me will now be you. 
If you as well have the crush on me, 
Open up, don’t be mean! 

Smile! Smile!! Smile!!!
Till I cross your path again, remember to make a difference...#Rawfactsnotes. 

Wednesday, 17 June 2015


By the end of this discourse, you’ll know what type of meal you’ve been feeding the Universe. Whether spicy, delicious, sweet or sour meal.

Let me just recapitulate the definition of Causality as mentioned by other great Metro-Potters who discussed on this topic earlier. 

Causality is the relationship of cause and effect. Simply put., ‘Causality is the principle that ensures that nothing happens without being caused”.

The universe has no feelings, it doesn’t think whether someone else has done the same to you, it only serve you back that which you have served out. For everything we do, we get equal or opposite result.

There must be a sender (You) the message(Actions) the receiver (Universe) and the feedback (Result).

In communication, passing across information must go through some processes before it can be understood.
You’re the sender, the message  (your actions and intents) is what you send, the universe (the receiver) registers,  analyzes, processes and finally gives a feedback (result) to you.
Let me bring this to a closer view for you

Now, let zoom it in a bit.
If you send hatred/evil and your message  (what you intend to cause) that is exactly what the universe will process , analyze and return to you.

You may get instant feedback(result) or get it years later. The universe doesn’t forget, it depends on how fast it processes it. That’s why it’s called a seed.
Infact, you should be afraid when your seed of evil doesn’t sprout on time, the universe has not forgotten, it might come in double folds.  Am I sending or registering fear in your hearts? Not at all! Why would I do that?  I’m only sending or registering a universal secret in your hearts.

The law of karma/causality doesn’t take bribe, it only gives equal result of your actions.
I won’t deceive you, you’re where you’re today because of the seeds you sowed yesterday.
If you want a different level, sow a different seed.

What you do you do, what you get you get! No cheating!  

Do you want a better chance? Do unto others as you want the universe to do for you! That’s the greatest rule in the law of causality ! 

Let me ask this, what have you been feeding the universe? What kind of meal? Delicious, saucy, spicy, sweet or sour meal?

It’s never too late to adjust and start sowing a better seed if you want a better harvest./
This is not about me, not about them(those that hurt you) it’s about You!

Remember the universe has no feelings, it doesn’t know, think whether someone else has done the same to you, it only remembers yours and gives the same back in full measures.
Remember you’re created to make a difference

I’m Rawfacts, I write,I Act,I teach,I learn and I make a difference.