Saturday, 3 January 2015

Letter to Heaven

One day I traveled through a thought lane, I said to myself that if I can write letters to my friends,if I can send short message service to my parents.

If I can post what's on my mind on the social network, then I should be able to do the same to Daddy.

This is the letter I wrote to God...

Dear God,
If today I lose my peace, please remind me that you still have the power to calm my storm.

If today I shift my focus from you, please remind me that I should continue looking at You; the author and the finisher of my faith.

If today I fall into sin, please remind me that your love is everlasting for me.

If today I face temptations that seem bigger than my capacity, please remind me that I can't be tempted more than I can handle.

If today I lose my hope,please remind me that a living dog is better than a dead lion.

If today I'm in dire need, please remind me that the young lions do suffer but those that loves you will not suffer any good thing.

If today my expectations are fading off, please remind me that the expectations of the righteous can't be cut short.

If today friends fail me,please remind me that you're a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

If today I feel lonely,please remind me that you'll never leave me nor forsake me.
If today I feel depressed, please remind me that your Kingdom is full of joy and that's my strength.

If today I have needs that are greater than my capacity, please remind me that you can supply all my needs according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

If today I feel weak,please remind me that your strength is made perfect in my weakness.

If today I lose my courage,please remind me that I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.

If today I feel proud,please remind me that pride goes before destruction.

If today I refuse to acknowledge your good works in my life,please remind me that it's your air I still breathe.

If today I walk through the valley of shadow of death,please remind me that your rod and staff are still with me.

If today I sway from the path of holiness,please let me hear that voice behind saying this is the right way; walk therein.

If today I feel despondent,please remind me that when I go through the deep waters and fire you're with me.

If today I don't want to give to the needy,please remind me that you love a cheerful giver.

If today i'm stingy or too possessive,please remind me that a liberal soul shall be made fat.

If today I refuse to control my tongue, please remind me that life and death lies in the tongue.

If today I face disappointment, please remind me that all things are working together for my goods.

If today I want to go my own way according to my flesh, please remind me that those that are lead by the Spirit are the sons of God.

If today satan wants to cheat me,please remind me that I've been given the power and the authority to tread upon serpents and all the powers of the evil ones.

If today I misrepresent your kingdom,please remind me that I should be an example of a believer in words,conversation,purity and charity.

If today I refuse to love my neighbour,please remind me that it's the greater love you have for me that made you sacrificed your life.

If today I stop acting in faith, please remind me that without faith I can't please you.

If today I keep malice with people,please remind me that I must purse peace and holiness with all men.

If today I can't understand my situation,please remind me that to every thing there's a purpose for it.

If today I refuse to pay my tithe,please remind me that you will rebuke devourers for my sake.

If today the enemy comes in like a flood,please remind me that your standard is already raised against them.

If today I'm afraid,please remind me that you've given me the Spirit of power,love and sound mind.

If today I look up too much on men for help,please remind me that my help comes only from God...

If today I feel sick,please remind me that by your stripes I'm healed.

If today this reader is unhappy,please remind him that you've never forgotten him/her.

If today the situation is overwhelming and complicating, please remind us that you're God of all flesh and nothing is too difficult for you.

If today circumstances made me weary,please remind me that with you all things are possible.

Till I cross your path again,remember to make a difference...#Rawfacts.

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