Friday, 10 January 2014


December 31, 2013 at 7:02am
Willing vs Wishing
Willing is supported by action;
Wishing is backed with reactions
Willing is based on calculations;
Wishing is based on speculations
Willing is less talk,more actions
Wishing is more talks,less actions
Willing is showing readiness to get your desire;
Wishing is an expression of desire
Willing is proactive;
Wishing is reactive.
Willing is reading this and taking actions;
Wishing is reading this without taking actions
Willing avoids procrastination;
Wishing embraces procrastination
Willing is asking to know more;
Wishing is talking to know less
Willing is using will power
Wishing is using choice power
Willing is willing;
Wishing is wishing

Today,I discovered that most of the things I was able to achieve successfully with the help of God is because I was WILLING to.

Conversely,those I couldn't was because I was only WISHING by helping my laziness.

Inherently,let us be more WILLING to do more in 2014 than WISHING to do more.
Compliment of the season;Happy New Year In Advance...#Rawfacts.