Tuesday, 9 April 2013


The Crazy Ones; They make IMPACT!!!

Time is never on their side
Anytime, anywhere they’re ever ready to preside
They’re ready to walk on the sky
Even on water, they’re tempted to fly
Sky they says is the limit
They believe is meant for the timid
They’re their own hero
And often starts from zero

They fear less
Hence, never care less
Always walk on their toes
Without minding their foes
They’re ready to walk miles
On their faces lie millions of smiles
They create, they quest,
They‘re never afraid of making request.

They explore, they invent
They endure, they prevent.
They craves for more
They’re ready to learn more.
If allowed, they’ll turn the world upside down
They’re hardly pushed down
Freely they dash out
From inside out

They imagine, they inspire
They motivate, they aspire
Majority says its craziness
‘Cos they detest laziness
They exploit their craze
It doesn’t matter who gaze
They hate things being deferred
Now is what they preferred

They’re their own thought’s driver
Like a snake in the river
They build their own pillar
Not worried by who wants to counter the pillar?
They never for once forget their thinking cap
And always breaking every gap
They exploit great opportunity
With their hearts of importunity

I call them the genius
Just because they make things happen

Some call them the seniors
Sure, they never watch things happen

They’re the crazy ones

Their thought is limitless
Their movement is boundless

They’re the crazy ones

Success is their paramount
Doesn’t settle for less amount

They’re the crazy ones

They don’t fear tomorrow
Courage dwells in their bone marrow

The crazy ones, invented the Aeroplane

They’re called the levers
But permit me to compliment them with- clevers

The crazy ones, invented the Microsoft

They’re called the gates
But could that be their fates?

The crazy ones, they’re countless
Never say it’s meaningless

The crazy ones, we have many examples
Even in God’s temples

The world needs you!
Yes! I mean you!
Dare the difference
Cross the lines
Walk the miles
Let’s remember you
After you’re gone
Be the crazy one
 * There are only two tragedies of life; Not getting what you want and getting- Oscar Wilde

 *How much you fall doesn’t matter but how many times you were able to rise when you fall is what matters.-Rawfacts
* Courage is not absent of fear but the judgement, decision that something is much more important than fear- Ambrose Redmoon
* Nothing bad happens to us but we do it to ourselves through other people- Naomi Judd

I want to share your story, I want to write about you, I want to celebrate you…Be part of the crazy ones of our time that can be reckoned with…Till I cross your paths again; make a difference-rawfacts!