Tuesday, 3 September 2013


Walking aimlessly on the street;
Maybe because life could be strict,
Oh! That’s some people’s belief
But to some, it brings relief.
The fear we feel when there’s no provision;
While thinking about our vision,
The visions are countless,
Though, some of it is meaningless.

Truly, no meaningless vision,
It’s just our confession.
If you want to be normal;
You must first be abnormal.
Yes, you wished you had a goal,
That which drives them to go.
Just like everyone else,
But you take it for less.

Life brings opportunity;
Nay! Only to hearts of opportunity.
Many gets in life’ race,
With wrong pace.
We want to be everything;
Sadly, one can only become just one thing.
We all craves for attention,
But I realized we only need this-recommendation.

For once, can you just sit?
And adjust the buckles on your feet!
This time, look at the mirror,
To just let go of the terror.
Stop being feign,
Yes! Tell your twain.
Stop this race of fertility,
And free all your hostility.

Sometimes we pray too long,
Often times we wait too long.
And the answers pass by,
Do you know why?
‘Cos you’re chasing the wind
Like a caged hind
Make your passion;
Simply your profession

Don’t chase the wind,
Else, you’ll be chase behind.
By life’s forceful wind,
At the expense of your hind.
You might also lose your mind,
And that won’t be kind.
Be who you want to be!
Don’t mind what others would be.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

What Do You Want To Become In Future?

This Cliché “What do you want to become in future” puts us through a thinking lane whenever being asked by someone or we asks ourselves. Once a child is able to detect rights from wrongs, good from bad, then he/she is faced with the same question of “what do you want to become in future”. Literally, this question is good as it makes someone to think and prepare for the future. I’d been asked this same question in many ways just like everyone else, most cases, I smiles and respond confidently or grumpily “I want to be this”. Not until some years ago as I began to un-learn and re-learn through reading and listening to both right and wrong information, facts (Of course, you can’t deafen your ears totally to such, you just have the will power to choose the best information that suits you to act upon). So, I start the quest of asking myself once again “What do I want to become in future”. I noticed whenever people ask us this question, it’s either they want to encourage, motivate or unconsciously mislead or misguide us (Yes, everyone likes to make contributions to things like this even if they know little or nothing about it).

Walking through the thought lane…
One day I was at work, a maiden came to our office to make some enquiries .She engaged in a conversation with my boss and I was listening...(Hey! I wasn’t poke nosing or interfering, their conversation was just within my earshot). As my boss probed her further, He asked, ‘’what do you want to become in future? With enthusiasm, I paused and concentrate as I await her response. She smiled and happily said “I want to become an accountant”. Being inquisitive in nature, my boss replied her by saying, Why an accountant? Instantly, she’s lost in the deep blue sea of thoughts, wandering in the thought lane for some seconds and later came up with the common reasons and excuses we’ve all once gave when asked the same question. Honestly, I was afraid my boss is going to ask me as well. Quickly I programmed myself to give a suitable answer to the question (though, I wasn’t sure of it. Just don’t want to water my reputation or caught unaware). Luckily, He didn’t ask but that drove me back to my thought lane and I asked myself, but this time around with determination and curiosity “what do I want to become in future”

Changing the tide…
My curiousness is what makes me to change the tide of my thought on the ocean of life. Fortunately, I was reading a book and I found what I was battling with over the years was written in there (don’t worry I’ll tell you what I saw but in case you still want to read the book as well, there are many books on such but let me recommend this particular ones to you “Purpose driven life” by Rick Warren and “We are not here to play” By Olawale Perfect..I must be paid for this free advert from both Pastor Rick and Mr Perfect……..smiles). There are many careers that could fit into God’s will for your life, whatever career you choose, do it with the purpose of God’s glory and honour. After all, it’s our “character” toward God and people that will guarantee us eternity, not “career”.(It looks like I’m preaching, yes, if that is what you call it because I’m never ashamed of the gospel of Christ). In any career you go for, make sure your aim is to go for the primary aim of such career (What else than to serve and meet people’s need), by so doing, you equally meets your needs while serving others genuinely.

The difference between “Like” and “ How”…
Before choosing any career, first clarify and solve the puzzle of “what you like to do and “how to do what you like to do”. This is where some of us are getting it wrong and some might still get it wrong or right as well because we all first run into “how to do” instead of first developing the interest in any career and later end up being frustrated and left with no other option than to start wandering around the thought lane, almost every time. The word “like” means showing interest-to be précised. Be certain you choose the career you like and prefer the most. Your preferences for any career should be your drive, not the force around the career. Choose any career you’d liked to do when convenient or not, sweet or bitter (obviously, every career has its ups and downs but once you show strong interest in it, those challenges  could be evaluated as “experience” that makes up your career). On the contrary, “how” means the rudiments, laid down principles of how things are done or should be done. Once you’re able to show preferences for any career, the puzzles of “how to” is easy. Just go for any institutions or training centre that offers the training and knowledge of your desired career.

Icing your cake…
Show dexterity, determination, dedication, discipline and commitment to any chosen career-that’s called “icing your cake (career)”.
            Ultimately, whatever career you choose, do it with all heart of commitment and for God’s glory and edification of the society. Remember, if you don’t it, another person will do it better than you. Back to my familiar territory- “What do you want to become in future? I guess you have the answers now…smile.
            Come out of the shell, break the limits, run the visions, reach for the goals and fulfill your destiny…..#Rawfacts#


This Cliché “What do you want to become in future” puts us through a thinking lane whenever being asked by someone or we asks ourselves. Once a child is able to detect rights from wrongs, good from bad, then he/she is faced with the same question of “what do you want to become in future”. Literally, this question is good as it makes someone to think and prepare for the future. I’d been asked this same question in many ways just like everyone else, most cases, I smiles and respond confidently or grumpily “I want to be this”. Not until some years ago as I began to un-learn and re-learn through reading and listening to both right and wrong information, facts (Of course, you can’t deafen your ears totally to such, you just have the will power to choose the best information that suits you to act upon). So, I start the quest of asking myself once again “What do I want to become in future”. I noticed whenever people ask us this question, it’s either they want to encourage, motivate or unconsciously mislead or misguide us (Yes, everyone likes to make contributions to things like this even if they know little or nothing about it).

Walking through the thought lane…
One day I was at work, a maiden came to our office to make some enquiries .She engaged in a conversation with my boss and I was listening...(Hey! I wasn’t poke nosing or interfering, their conversation was just within my earshot). As my boss probed her further, He asked, ‘’what do you want to become in future? With enthusiasm, I paused and concentrate as I await her response. She smiled and happily said “I want to become an accountant”. Being inquisitive in nature, my boss replied her by saying, Why an accountant? Instantly, she’s lost in the deep blue sea of thoughts, wandering in the thought lane for some seconds and later came up with the common reasons and excuses we’ve all once gave when asked the same question. Honestly, I was afraid my boss is going to ask me as well. Quickly I programmed myself to give a suitable answer to the question (though, I wasn’t sure of it. Just don’t want to water my reputation or caught unaware). Luckily, He didn’t ask but that drove me back to my thought lane and I asked myself, but this time around with determination and curiosity “what do I want to become in future”

Changing the tide…
My curiousness is what makes me to change the tide of my thought on the ocean of life. Fortunately, I was reading a book and I found what I was battling with over the years was written in there (don’t worry I’ll tell you what I saw but in case you still want to read the book as well, there are many books on such but let me recommend this particular ones to you “Purpose driven life” by Rick Warren and “We are not here to play” By Olawale Perfect..I must be paid for this free advert from both Pastor Rick and Mr Perfect……..smiles). There are many careers that could fit into God’s will for your life, whatever career you choose, do it with the purpose of God’s glory and honour. After all, it’s our “character” toward God and people that will guarantee us eternity, not “career”.(It looks like I’m preaching, yes, if that is what you call it because I’m never ashamed of the gospel of Christ). In any career you go for, make sure your aim is to go for the primary aim of such career (What else than to serve and meet people’s need), by so doing, you equally meets your needs while serving others genuinely.

The difference between “Like” and “ How”…
Before choosing any career, first clarify and solve the puzzle of “what you like to do and “how to do what you like to do”. This is where some of us are getting it wrong and some might still get it wrong or right as well because we all first run into “how to do” instead of first developing the interest in any career and later end up being frustrated and left with no other option than to start wandering around the thought lane, almost every time. The word “like” means showing interest-to be précised. Be certain you choose the career you like and prefer the most. Your preferences for any career should be your drive, not the force around the career. Choose any career you’d liked to do when convenient or not, sweet or bitter (obviously, every career has its ups and downs but once you show strong interest in it, those challenges  could be evaluated as “experience” that makes up your career). On the contrary, “how” means the rudiments, laid down principles of how things are done or should be done. Once you’re able to show preferences for any career, the puzzles of “how to” is easy. Just go for any institutions or training centre that offers the training and knowledge of your desired career.

Icing your cake…
Show dexterity, determination, dedication, discipline and commitment to any chosen career-that’s called “icing your cake (career)”.
            Ultimately, whatever career you choose, do it with all heart of commitment and for God’s glory and edification of the society. Remember, if you don’t it, another person will do it better than you. Back to my familiar territory- “What do you want to become in future? I guess you have the answers now…smile.
            Come out of the shell, break the limits, run the visions, reach for the goals and fulfill your destiny…..#Rawfacts#


This Cliché “What do you want to become in future” puts us through a thinking lane whenever being asked by someone or we asks ourselves. Once a child is able to detect rights from wrongs, good from bad, then he/she is faced with the same question of “what do you want to become in future”. Literally, this question is good as it makes someone to think and prepare for the future. I’d been asked this same question in many ways just like everyone else, most cases, I smiles and respond confidently or grumpily “I want to be this”. Not until some years ago as I began to un-learn and re-learn through reading and listening to both right and wrong information, facts (Of course, you can’t deafen your ears totally to such, you just have the will power to choose the best information that suits you to act upon). So, I start the quest of asking myself once again “What do I want to become in future”. I noticed whenever people ask us this question, it’s either they want to encourage, motivate or unconsciously mislead or misguide us (Yes, everyone likes to make contributions to things like this even if they know little or nothing about it).

Walking through the thought lane…
One day I was at work, a maiden came to our office to make some enquiries .She engaged in a conversation with my boss and I was listening...(Hey! I wasn’t poke nosing or interfering, their conversation was just within my earshot). As my boss probed her further, He asked, ‘’what do you want to become in future? With enthusiasm, I paused and concentrate as I await her response. She smiled and happily said “I want to become an accountant”. Being inquisitive in nature, my boss replied her by saying, Why an accountant? Instantly, she’s lost in the deep blue sea of thoughts, wandering in the thought lane for some seconds and later came up with the common reasons and excuses we’ve all once gave when asked the same question. Honestly, I was afraid my boss is going to ask me as well. Quickly I programmed myself to give a suitable answer to the question (though, I wasn’t sure of it. Just don’t want to water my reputation or caught unaware). Luckily, He didn’t ask but that drove me back to my thought lane and I asked myself, but this time around with determination and curiosity “what do I want to become in future”

Changing the tide…
My curiousness is what makes me to change the tide of my thought on the ocean of life. Fortunately, I was reading a book and I found what I was battling with over the years was written in there (don’t worry I’ll tell you what I saw but in case you still want to read the book as well, there are many books on such but let me recommend this particular ones to you “Purpose driven life” by Rick Warren and “We are not here to play” By Olawale Perfect..I must be paid for this free advert from both Pastor Rick and Mr Perfect……..smiles). There are many careers that could fit into God’s will for your life, whatever career you choose, do it with the purpose of God’s glory and honour. After all, it’s our “character” toward God and people that will guarantee us eternity, not “career”.(It looks like I’m preaching, yes, if that is what you call it because I’m never ashamed of the gospel of Christ). In any career you go for, make sure your aim is to go for the primary aim of such career (What else than to serve and meet people’s need), by so doing, you equally meets your needs while serving others genuinely.

The difference between “Like” and “ How”…
Before choosing any career, first clarify and solve the puzzle of “what you like to do and “how to do what you like to do”. This is where some of us are getting it wrong and some might still get it wrong or right as well because we all first run into “how to do” instead of first developing the interest in any career and later end up being frustrated and left with no other option than to start wandering around the thought lane, almost every time. The word “like” means showing interest-to be précised. Be certain you choose the career you like and prefer the most. Your preferences for any career should be your drive, not the force around the career. Choose any career you’d liked to do when convenient or not, sweet or bitter (obviously, every career has its ups and downs but once you show strong interest in it, those challenges  could be evaluated as “experience” that makes up your career). On the contrary, “how” means the rudiments, laid down principles of how things are done or should be done. Once you’re able to show preferences for any career, the puzzles of “how to” is easy. Just go for any institutions or training centre that offers the training and knowledge of your desired career.

Icing your cake…
Show dexterity, determination, dedication, discipline and commitment to any chosen career-that’s called “icing your cake (career)”.
            Ultimately, whatever career you choose, do it with all heart of commitment and for God’s glory and edification of the society. Remember, if you don’t it, another person will do it better than you. Back to my familiar territory- “What do you want to become in future? I guess you have the answers now…smile.
            Come out of the shell, break the limits, run the visions, reach for the goals and fulfill your destiny…..#Rawfacts#


This Cliché “What do you want to become in future” puts us through a thinking lane whenever being asked by someone or we asks ourselves. Once a child is able to detect rights from wrongs, good from bad, then he/she is faced with the same question of “what do you want to become in future”. Literally, this question is good as it makes someone to think and prepare for the future. I’d been asked this same question in many ways just like everyone else, most cases, I smiles and respond confidently or grumpily “I want to be this”. Not until some years ago as I began to un-learn and re-learn through reading and listening to both right and wrong information, facts (Of course, you can’t deafen your ears totally to such, you just have the will power to choose the best information that suits you to act upon). So, I start the quest of asking myself once again “What do I want to become in future”. I noticed whenever people ask us this question, it’s either they want to encourage, motivate or unconsciously mislead or misguide us (Yes, everyone likes to make contributions to things like this even if they know little or nothing about it).

Walking through the thought lane…
One day I was at work, a maiden came to our office to make some enquiries .She engaged in a conversation with my boss and I was listening...(Hey! I wasn’t poke nosing or interfering, their conversation was just within my earshot). As my boss probed her further, He asked, ‘’what do you want to become in future? With enthusiasm, I paused and concentrate as I await her response. She smiled and happily said “I want to become an accountant”. Being inquisitive in nature, my boss replied her by saying, Why an accountant? Instantly, she’s lost in the deep blue sea of thoughts, wandering in the thought lane for some seconds and later came up with the common reasons and excuses we’ve all once gave when asked the same question. Honestly, I was afraid my boss is going to ask me as well. Quickly I programmed myself to give a suitable answer to the question (though, I wasn’t sure of it. Just don’t want to water my reputation or caught unaware). Luckily, He didn’t ask but that drove me back to my thought lane and I asked myself, but this time around with determination and curiosity “what do I want to become in future”

Changing the tide…
My curiousness is what makes me to change the tide of my thought on the ocean of life. Fortunately, I was reading a book and I found what I was battling with over the years was written in there (don’t worry I’ll tell you what I saw but in case you still want to read the book as well, there are many books on such but let me recommend this particular ones to you “Purpose driven life” by Rick Warren and “We are not here to play” By Olawale Perfect..I must be paid for this free advert from both Pastor Rick and Mr Perfect……..smiles). There are many careers that could fit into God’s will for your life, whatever career you choose, do it with the purpose of God’s glory and honour. After all, it’s our “character” toward God and people that will guarantee us eternity, not “career”.(It looks like I’m preaching, yes, if that is what you call it because I’m never ashamed of the gospel of Christ). In any career you go for, make sure your aim is to go for the primary aim of such career (What else than to serve and meet people’s need), by so doing, you equally meets your needs while serving others genuinely.

The difference between “Like” and “ How”…
Before choosing any career, first clarify and solve the puzzle of “what you like to do and “how to do what you like to do”. This is where some of us are getting it wrong and some might still get it wrong or right as well because we all first run into “how to do” instead of first developing the interest in any career and later end up being frustrated and left with no other option than to start wandering around the thought lane, almost every time. The word “like” means showing interest-to be précised. Be certain you choose the career you like and prefer the most. Your preferences for any career should be your drive, not the force around the career. Choose any career you’d liked to do when convenient or not, sweet or bitter (obviously, every career has its ups and downs but once you show strong interest in it, those challenges  could be evaluated as “experience” that makes up your career). On the contrary, “how” means the rudiments, laid down principles of how things are done or should be done. Once you’re able to show preferences for any career, the puzzles of “how to” is easy. Just go for any institutions or training centre that offers the training and knowledge of your desired career.

Icing your cake…
Show dexterity, determination, dedication, discipline and commitment to any chosen career-that’s called “icing your cake (career)”.
            Ultimately, whatever career you choose, do it with all heart of commitment and for God’s glory and edification of the society. Remember, if you don’t it, another person will do it better than you. Back to my familiar territory- “What do you want to become in future? I guess you have the answers now…smile.
            Come out of the shell, break the limits, run the visions, reach for the goals and fulfill your destiny…..#Rawfacts#